TLC TRUST prepares families of persons with disabilities to face the future.

TLC TRUST provides education, information and referral in the following areas:

Holding Hands

Trustee or Co-Trusteeship

TLC Trust can be named as a trustee or co-trustee for your family member’s Special Needs Trust. At times, there are no appropriate family members to serve as a trustee or a family may desire an organization to serve alongside a trusted family member or friend. As trustees we dispense funds for the benefit of the beneficiary, provide advocacy services on their behalf, insure all proper paperwork and reports are filed on behalf of the trust.

TLC Trust maintains a third-party pooled trust for families who wish to join.

Corporate Guardianship

TLC Trust can act as a guardian or co-guardian for an individual with a disability. Persons requiring a guardian are determined by a judge through an evaluation process at which time the beneficiary (or adult child) is found to be unable to make decisions on their own in certain select areas (as in limited medical guardianship) or entirely (as in full guardianship). Guardians make decisions as they feel the person with a disability would if they were able to make decisions for themselves.

Information and Referral

TLC Trust provides outreach and information to individuals, families and groups about the importance of estate and special needs planning. This service is provided free of charge. To schedule an appointment for a consultation or group presentation, please contact Gayle Greene, Executive Director, 978-827-5602.

Public Education

TLC TRUST provides outreach to organizations and interested parties upon request.

TLC TRUST maintains a current directory of attorneys and financial managers knowledgeable in the areas of trust and estate planning for people with disabilities.

TLC TRUST can act as a corporate trustee or co-trustee when named in individual trust documents. As a co-trustee, TLC TRUST will work with the other named co-trustees to ensure the wishes of the trust maker are implemented on behalf of the beneficiary. TLC TRUST accepts applications for trustee services with a minimum value of $100,000 and can act as a representative payee.

TLC TRUST can act as a corporate guardian for persons with disabilities, subject to availability of qualified personnel to fulfill this function. First priority for this service will be given to those individuals who have a trust relationship with the organization.

TLC TRUST may provide a vehicle for investment of trust funds on behalf of individual trust. This shall not be a requirement of participation as a trust maker or for receiving sole co-trustee services.

How Do I Get Started?

Thinking about doing a special needs trust is the first step. Once you have decided to protect the assets of your loved one, you should contact an attorney that specializes in disability law, estate or trust planning. The rules can be complicated; therefore it is essential to seek out the services of a specialist. We welcome you to contact us for more information.

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